Importing Data#

The philosophy and workflow for importing data is explained on the Overview page.

Before starting an Import

Make sure you have the basic data, such as background data and biosphere flows available. It will probably be needed to create links with your imported data.

Creating Importers#

How do I start an import from the Brightway excel template?#

importer = bi.ExcelImporter('<file_path>')

See bw2io.importers.excel.ExcelImporter for additional information.

How do I start an import from SimaPro CSV?#

from pathlib import Path
importer = bi.SimaProBlockCSVImporter(Path('<file_path>'))

See bw2io.importers.simapro_block_csv.SimaProBlockCSVImporter for additional information.

How do I start an import from Ecospold 1?#

importer = bi.SingleOutputEcospold1Importer('<directory_path>', '<database_name>')

See bw2io.importers.ecospold1.SingleOutputEcospold1Importer for additional information.

How do I start an import from Ecospold 1?#

importer = bi.SingleOutputEcospold2Importer('<directory_path>', '<database_name>')

See bw2io.importers.ecospold2.SingleOutputEcospold2Importer for additional information.


How can I import an ecoinvent release using the online portal?#


The import_ecoinvent_release function will create a namespaced set of impact categories and a separate namespaced biosphere Database.


The setup function bw2setup() is deprecated and should no longer be used.

See bw2io.ecoinvent.import_ecoinvent_release for customization options, and the ecoinvent_interface documentation for instructions on how to download additional ecoinvent data and save your credentials.

How can I import a local copy of an ecoinvent release?#

Start with a basic project which has the correct set of elementary flows for your given release - see Creating initial project data. You can then use the standard ecospold2 importer:

importer = bi.SingleOutputEcospold2Importer(

We strongly recommend that you follow the ecoinvent-<version>-<system model> database naming pattern.

Applying Transformations#

How do I apply the default transformation strategies?#


How do I apply a custom transformation strategy?#


How do I write a custom transformation strategy?#

Transformation functions must take the entire import data as the single input argument, and return the modified entire import data. They should follow this general pattern:

from typing import List

def my_custom_strategy(data: List[dict]) -> List[dict]:
    """Add very import information to each dataset"""
    for dataset in data:
        dataset["this is a dataset"] = True
    return data

If you need to provide additional information to a transformation strategy, you can curry the transformation function:

from typing import List
from functools import partial

def my_custom_strategy(data: List[dict], favorite_color: str) -> List[dict]:
    """Add very import color information"""
    for dataset in data:
        dataset["my favorite color"] = favorite_color
    return data

importer.apply_strategy(partial(my_custom_strategy, favorite_color="blue"))

How do I change the default strategies?#

importer.strategies is a list, and the normal Python list methods can be used to modify the list before .apply_strategies() is called. You can also replace importer.strategies completely:

importer.strategies = [<some functions>]

How can I apply static transformations from randonneur_data?#


See bw2io.importers.base_lci.LCIImporter.randonneur for customization of this function’s behavior.

Linking Status#

How can I quickly check if all edges are linked?#


How can I see how many edges have been linked so far?#


How can I export an Excel file of the unlinked edges?#

filepath = importer.write_excel(only_unlinked=True)

How can I export a Randonneur template for matching unlinked edges?#

filepath = importer.create_randonneur_excel_template_for_unlinked()

See bw2io.importers.base_lci.LCIImporter.create_randonneur_excel_template_for_unlinked for customization of this function’s behavior.

Handling Unlinked Edges#

How can I iterate over all unique unlinked edges?#

for edge in importer.unlinked:

How can I delete unlinked edges?#


How can I add biosphere nodes from my imported data?#

You can leave such biosphere nodes in the Database you are going to create, but you can separate them out into a new Database:


You can also add them to an existing database:


How can I create placeholder process or product nodes referenced in my imported data but without any producers?#
