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Contributing to the Documentation#


We are happy to find you on this page! Let’s improve the documentation together. Please follow the steps below to start your contribution.

See also

If you would like to report a bug or error, please follow the instructions on the Report Bugs or Errors page.

🥉 Request new Content#


  1. A GitHub account

Create a documentation request in the Discussion section of the brightway-documentation repository, detailing your request and all relevant information. A member of the Brightway developer community will evaluate your request. Please note that all developments are undertaken on a voluntary basis, so it may take some time for your issue to be resolved.

🥈 Write new Content#


  1. A GitHub account

  2. Basic knowledge of Markdown

Write your content in Markdown, using the formatting options described in the Formatting Guide and save it to a single file. Now create a new issue in the Issues section of the brightway-documentation repository, describing your request and attaching the Markdown file. A member of the Brightway developer community will integrate your contribution into the documentation. Please note that all developments are undertaken on a voluntary basis, so it may take some time for your issue to be resolved.

🥇 Write and add new Content#


  1. A GitHub account

  2. Basic knowledge of the GitHub contribution workflow (fork, branch, PR)

  3. A fork of the brightway-documentation repository

  4. Basic knowledge of Markdown

In order to fix add new content to the documentation by yourself, follow the ususal GitHub contribution workflow:

  1. Use the ✏️ Edit on GitHub button on the top right of the page to open the corresponding file in the GitHub repository. This shows you which file you need to edit.

  2. Edit the file in your fork of the repository. Finally, create a pull request.

  3. As soon as a member of the Brightway developer community has merged your pull request, the changes will be visible on the Brightway documentation website.