

Module Contents#

class bw2parameters.interpreter.Interpreter(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: asteval.Interpreter


Adds symbols to the symtable.

eval(expr, *args, known_symbols=None, raise_errors=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Parses an expression and returns all symbols.

classmethod get_unit_dimensionality(unit_name=None)[source]#
get_unknown_symbols(text, known_symbols=None, ignore_symtable=False, no_pint_units=None)[source]#

Parses an expression and returns all symbols which are neither in the symtable nor passed via known_symbols.

classmethod is_numeric(value)[source]#
classmethod is_quantity(value)[source]#
classmethod is_quantity_from_same_registry(value)[source]#
classmethod parameter_list_to_dict(param_list)[source]#

Removes symbols from the symtable.

classmethod set_amount_and_unit(obj, quantity, to_unit=None)[source]#
class bw2parameters.interpreter.PintInterpreter(*args, units=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Interpreter


Make sure that pint exceptions are correctly raised during evaluation


Adds symbols to symtable while making sure that pint Quantities are from same registry as self.ureg (otherwise self.eval will fail).

eval(expr, *args, known_symbols=None, **kwargs)[source]#
get_pint_symbols(text, known_symbols=None, ignore_symtable=True)[source]#

Parses an expression and returns all symbols which can be interpreted as pint units.

classmethod get_unit_dimensionality(unit_name=None)[source]#
get_unknown_symbols(text, known_symbols=None, ignore_symtable=False, include_pint_units=False, no_pint_units=None)[source]#

Parses the given expression and returns a list of symbols, which are neither contained in the symtable, nor in known_symbols, nor can be interpreted as pint units

classmethod is_numeric(value)[source]#
classmethod is_quantity(value)[source]#
classmethod is_quantity_from_same_registry(value)[source]#
classmethod parameter_list_to_dict(param_list)[source]#

Takes a list of parameter objects and returns a dict where keys are the parameter names and values are the interpreted pint.Quantities (or float where no unit is defined).

classmethod set_amount_and_unit(obj, quantity=None, to_unit=None)[source]#

Takes an arbitrary object and tries to set it’s amount and unit fields. amount field is the magnitude of the pint.Quantity after conversion to to_unit. If no to_unit is given, the quantity’s own unit will be used. If the input is not a pint.Quantity then obj[‘unit’] will be used. If no quantity is given, then obj[‘amount’] and obj[‘unit’] are used.