



Base class for single and multi LCA classes

Module Contents#

class bw2calc.lca.LCA(demand: dict, method: tuple | None = None, weighting: str | None = None, normalization: str | None = None, data_objs: Iterable[pathlib.Path | fsspec.AbstractFileSystem | bw_processing.DatapackageBase] | None = None, remapping_dicts: Iterable[dict] | None = None, log_config: dict | None = None, seed_override: int | None = None, use_arrays: bool | None = False, use_distributions: bool | None = False, selective_use: dict | None = False)[source]#

Bases: bw2calc.lca_base.LCABase

Base class for single and multi LCA classes

Create a new LCA calculation object.

Compatible with Brightway2 and 2.5 semantics. Can be static, stochastic, or iterative (scenario-based), depending on the data_objs input data..

This class supports both stochastic and static LCA, and can use a variety of ways to describe uncertainty. The input flags use_arrays and use_distributions control some of this stochastic behaviour. See the [documentation for matrix_utils](brightway-lca/matrix_utils) for more information on the technical implementation.

  • demand (dict[object: float]) – The demand for which the LCA will be calculated. The keys can be Brightway Node instances, (database, code) tuples, or integer ids.

  • method (tuple) – Tuple defining the LCIA method, such as (‘foo’, ‘bar’). Only needed if not passing data_objs.

  • weighting (string) – Tuple defining the LCIA weighting, such as (‘foo’, ‘bar’). Only needed if not passing data_objs.

  • weighting – String defining the LCIA normalization, such as ‘foo’. Only needed if not passing data_objs.

  • data_objs (list[bw_processing.Datapackage]) – List of bw_processing.Datapackage objects. Can be loaded via bw2data.prepare_lca_inputs or constructed manually. Should include data for all needed matrices.

  • remapping_dicts (dict[str, dict]) – Dict of remapping dictionaries that link Brightway Node ids to (database, code) tuples. remapping_dicts can provide such remapping for any of activity, product, biosphere.

  • log_config (dict) – Optional arguments to pass to logging. Not yet implemented.

  • seed_override (int) – RNG seed to use in place of Datapackage seed, if any.

  • use_arrays (bool) – Use arrays instead of vectors from the given data_objs

  • use_distributions (bool) – Use probability distributions from the given data_objs

  • selective_use (dict[str, dict]) – Dictionary that gives more control on whether use_arrays or use_distributions should be used. Has the form {matrix_label: {“use_arrays”|”use_distributions”: bool}. Standard matrix labels are technosphere_matrix, biosphere_matrix, and characterization_matrix.

_switch(obj: tuple | Iterable[fsspec.AbstractFileSystem | bw_processing.DatapackageBase], label: str, matrix: str, func: Callable) None[source]#

Switch a method, weighting, or normalization

build_demand_array(demand: dict | None = None) None[source]#

Turn the demand dictionary into a NumPy array of correct size.


demand (*) – Demand dictionary. Optional, defaults to self.demand.


A 1-dimensional NumPy array

check_demand(demand: dict | None = None)[source]#

Raises ImportError is bw2data not available or version < 4.

lci_calculation() None[source]#

The actual LCI calculation.

Separated from lci to be reusable in cases where the matrices are already built, e.g. redo_lci and Monte Carlo classes.

lcia_calculation() None[source]#

The actual LCIA calculation.

Separated from lcia to be reusable in cases where the matrices are already built, e.g. redo_lcia and Monte Carlo classes.

load_lcia_data(data_objs: Iterable[fsspec.AbstractFileSystem | bw_processing.DatapackageBase] | None = None) None[source]#

Load data and create characterization matrix.

This method will filter out regionalized characterization factors.

load_normalization_data(data_objs: Iterable[fsspec.AbstractFileSystem | bw_processing.DatapackageBase] | None = None) None[source]#

Load normalization data.

load_weighting_data(data_objs: Iterable[fsspec.AbstractFileSystem | bw_processing.DatapackageBase] | None = None) None[source]#

Load normalization data.

normalization_calculation() None[source]#

The actual normalization calculation.

Creates self.normalized_inventory.

switch_method(method=Union[tuple, Iterable[Union[AbstractFileSystem, bwp.DatapackageBase]]]) None[source]#

Load a new method and replace .characterization_mm and .characterization_matrix.

Does not do any new calculations or change .characterized_inventory.

switch_normalization(normalization=Union[tuple, Iterable[Union[AbstractFileSystem, bwp.DatapackageBase]]]) None[source]#

Load a new normalization and replace .normalization_mm and .normalization_matrix.

Does not do any new calculations or change .normalized_inventory.

switch_weighting(weighting=Union[tuple, Iterable[Union[AbstractFileSystem, bwp.DatapackageBase]]]) None[source]#

Load a new weighting and replace .weighting_mm and .weighting_matrix.

Does not do any new calculations or change .weighted_inventory.

to_dataframe(matrix_label: str = 'characterized_inventory', row_dict: dict | None = None, col_dict: dict | None = None, annotate: bool = True, cutoff: numbers.Number = 200, cutoff_mode: str = 'number') pandas.DataFrame[source]#

Return all nonzero elements of the given matrix as a Pandas dataframe.

The LCA class instance must have the matrix matrix_label already; common labels are:

  • characterized_inventory

  • inventory

  • technosphere_matrix

  • biosphere_matrix

  • characterization_matrix

For these common matrices, we already have row_dict and col_dict which link row and column indices to database ids. For other matrices, or if you have a custom mapping dictionary, override row_dict and/or col_dict. They have the form {matrix index: identifier}.

If bw2data is installed, this function will try to look up metadata on the row and column objects. To turn this off, set annotate to False.

Instead of returning all possible values, you can apply a cutoff. This cutoff can be specified in two ways, controlled by cutoff_mode, which should be either fraction or number.

If cutoff_mode is number (the default), then cutoff is the number of rows in the DataFrame. Data values are first sorted by their absolute value, and then the largest cutoff are taken.

If cutoff_mode is fraction, then only values whose absolute value is greater than cutoff * total_score are taken. cutoff must be between 0 and 1.

The returned DataFrame will have the following columns:

  • amount

  • col_index

  • row_index

If row or columns dictionaries are available, the following columns are added:

  • col_id

  • row_id

If bw2data is available, then the following columns are added:

  • col_code

  • col_database

  • col_location

  • col_name

  • col_reference_product

  • col_type

  • col_unit

  • row_categories

  • row_code

  • row_database

  • row_location

  • row_name

  • row_type

  • row_unit

  • source_product

Returns a pandas DataFrame.

weighting_calculation() None[source]#

The actual weighting calculation.

Multiples weighting value by normalized inventory, if available, otherwise by characterized inventory.

Creates self.weighted_inventory.

matrix_labels = ['technosphere_mm', 'biosphere_mm', 'characterization_mm', 'normalization_mm', 'weighting_mm'][source]#
property score: float[source]#

The LCIA score as a float.

Note that this is a property, so it is foo.lca, not foo.score()

seed_override = None[source]#
use_arrays = False[source]#
use_distributions = False[source]#
bw2calc.lca.get_node = None[source]#