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Module Contents#



Extract data from SimaPro LCIA 9.5 Project CSV file format.

exception bw2io.extractors.simapro_lcia_95project_csv.EndOfDatasets[source]#

Bases: Exception

Inheritance diagram of bw2io.extractors.simapro_lcia_95project_csv.EndOfDatasets

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class bw2io.extractors.simapro_lcia_95project_csv.SimaProLCIA95ProjectCSVExtractor[source]#

Extract data from SimaPro LCIA 9.5 Project CSV file format.

Differs from SimaProLCIACSVExtractor in that this format seems not to use End at the end of sections.


filepath: str

Filepath of the SimaPro LCIACSV file.

delimiter: str, optional (default: “;”)

Delimiter used in the SimaPro LCIACSV file.

encoding: str, optional (default: “cp1252”)

Encoding of the SimaPro LCIACSV file.



If the filepath does not exist or the file is not a valid SimaPro export file.



List of impact categories extracted from the SimaPro file.

classmethod clean_sections(sections: list) list[source]#

Remove empty sections, and empty lines from sections

classmethod extract(filepath: pathlib.Path, delimiter: str = ';', encoding: str = 'cp1252')[source]#
classmethod parse_cf(line)[source]#

Parse line in Substances section.

  1. category

  2. subcategory

  3. flow

  4. CAS number

  5. CF

  6. unit

  7. damage rate

classmethod split_into_sections(data: list) list[source]#

Split the SimaPro file into sections using the blank line pattern