bw2io.importers.ecospold1_lcia ============================== .. py:module:: bw2io.importers.ecospold1_lcia Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: bw2io.importers.ecospold1_lcia.Ecospold1LCIAImporter Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Ecospold1LCIAImporter(filepath, biosphere=None) Bases: :py:obj:`bw2io.importers.base_lcia.LCIAImporter` Importer for Ecospold1 LCIA format. .. attribute:: format The format of the LCIA data, which is "Ecospold1 LCIA". :type: str .. attribute:: data The LCIA data extracted from the Ecospold1 LCIA file. :type: dict Initialize the Ecospold1LCIAImporter instance. :param filepath: Path to the Ecospold1 LCIA file. :type filepath: str :param biosphere: Biosphere database to use. If None, the default biosphere database will be used. :type biosphere: bw2data.BiosphereDatabase, optional .. py:attribute:: data .. py:attribute:: format :value: 'Ecospold1 LCIA'