Source code for bw2io.importers.exiobase3_monetary

import itertools

from bw2data import Database, Method, config, databases, get_activity, methods
from bw2data.backends.iotable import IOTableBackend

from ..extractors import Exiobase3MonetaryDataExtractor
from ..strategies.exiobase import (
from .base_lci import LCIImporter

[docs] class Exiobase3MonetaryImporter(LCIImporter):
[docs] format = "Exiobase 3"
def __init__(self, dirpath, db_name, ignore_small_balancing_corrections=True):
[docs] self.strategies = []
[docs] self.dirpath = dirpath
[docs] self.db_name = db_name
[docs] self.products = Exiobase3MonetaryDataExtractor.get_products(dirpath)
[docs] self.techosphere_iterator = ( Exiobase3MonetaryDataExtractor.get_technosphere_iterator( dirpath, len(self.products), ignore_small_balancing_corrections ) )
[docs] self.flows = Exiobase3MonetaryDataExtractor.get_flows(dirpath)
[docs] self.biosphere_iterator = Exiobase3MonetaryDataExtractor.get_biosphere_iterator( dirpath, ignore_small_balancing_corrections )
[docs] self.biosphere_correspondence = get_exiobase_biosphere_correspondence()
[docs] def apply_strategy(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "Not present for IO imports, which have multiple data attributes" )
[docs] def add_unlinked_flows_to_new_biosphere_database(self, biosphere_name=None): biosphere_name = biosphere_name or self.db_name + " biosphere" db = Database(biosphere_name) data = { (biosphere_name, o["exiobase name"]): { "name": o["exiobase name"], "unit": o["exiobase unit"], "categories": (o["ecoinvent category"],), "comment": o["comment"], "exchanges": [], } for o in self.biosphere_correspondence if o["new flow"] } if biosphere_name not in databases: db.register(format="EXIOBASE 3 New Biosphere", filepath=str(self.dirpath)) db.write(data) return biosphere_name
[docs] def write_activities_as_database(self): db = IOTableBackend(self.db_name) data = { (self.db_name, "{}|{}".format(o["name"], o["location"])): { "name": o["name"], "reference product": o["name"], "location": o["location"], "unit": o["unit"], "production volume": o["production volume"], "stam": o["stam"], "exchanges": [], } for o in self.products } if self.db_name not in databases: db.register(format="EXIOBASE 3", filepath=str(self.dirpath)) db.write(data)
[docs] def patch_lcia_methods(self, new_biosphere): flows = ["PFC (CO2-eq)", "HFC (CO2-eq)"] for flow in flows: assert get_activity((new_biosphere, flow)) new_data = [((new_biosphere, flow), 1) for flow in flows] count = 0 for name, metadata in methods.items(): if metadata.get("unit") == "kg CO2-Eq": count += 1 obj = Method(name) data = obj.load() data.extend(new_data) obj.write(data) print(f"Patched {count} LCIA methods with unit 'kg CO2-Eq'")
[docs] def apply_strategies(self, biosphere=None): normalize_units(self.products) normalize_units(self.biosphere_correspondence, "exiobase unit") rename_exiobase_co2_eq_flows(self.biosphere_correspondence) remove_numeric_codes(self.products) add_stam_labels(self.products)
[docs] def write_database(self, biosphere=None): new_biosphere = self.add_unlinked_flows_to_new_biosphere_database() main_biosphere = biosphere or config.biosphere print( "Created new database for EXIOBASE-specific biosphere flows: {}".format( new_biosphere ) ) add_biosphere_ids( self.biosphere_correspondence, [new_biosphere, main_biosphere] ) self.write_activities_as_database() print("Created database of EXIOBASE activity metadata") add_product_ids(self.products, self.db_name) self.patch_lcia_methods(new_biosphere) print("Patching LCIA methods with EXIOBASE flows") product_mapping = {(o["name"], o["location"]): o["id"] for o in self.products} biosphere_mapping = { o["exiobase name"]: o["id"] for o in self.biosphere_correspondence if "id" in o } biosphere_scales = { o["exiobase name"]: float(o["scale factor"]) for o in self.biosphere_correspondence if "id" in o } technosphere = itertools.chain( ( { "row": product_mapping[x], "col": product_mapping[y], "amount": z, "flip": True, "uncertainty_type": 0, } for x, y, z in self.techosphere_iterator ), ( {"row": x, "col": x, "amount": 1, "flip": False, "uncertainty_type": 0} for x in product_mapping.values() ), ) biosphere = ( { "row": biosphere_mapping[x], "col": product_mapping[y], "amount": z * biosphere_scales[x], "flip": False, "uncertainty_type": 0, } for x, y, z in self.biosphere_iterator ) dependents = [new_biosphere, main_biosphere] IOTableBackend(self.db_name).write_exchanges( technosphere, biosphere, dependents )