Source code for bw2io.importers.ecospold1_lcia

from time import time

from ..extractors import Ecospold1LCIAExtractor
from .base_lcia import LCIAImporter

[docs] class Ecospold1LCIAImporter(LCIAImporter): """ Importer for Ecospold1 LCIA format. Attributes ---------- format : str The format of the LCIA data, which is "Ecospold1 LCIA". data : dict The LCIA data extracted from the Ecospold1 LCIA file. """
[docs] format = "Ecospold1 LCIA"
def __init__(self, filepath, biosphere=None): """ Initialize the Ecospold1LCIAImporter instance. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the Ecospold1 LCIA file. biosphere : bw2data.BiosphereDatabase, optional Biosphere database to use. If None, the default biosphere database will be used. """ super(Ecospold1LCIAImporter, self).__init__(filepath, biosphere) start = time()
[docs] = Ecospold1LCIAExtractor.extract(filepath)
print( "Extracted {} methods in {:.2f} seconds".format( len(, time() - start ) )